Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Is there any advice for a fat girl to get a boyfriend or look hotter?

Best PersonalityIs there any advice for a fat girl to get a boyfriend or look hotter?
You know i always say there is someone out there for someone no matter what you look like.Everyone has a soul mate you will find yours one day. Don't make yourself out to look like someone your really not just be yourself.Is there any advice for a fat girl to get a boyfriend or look hotter?
if you describe yourself as a fat girl, then you obviously aren't comfortable in your own skin. why don't you try exercising if you think you're fat? i don't think you should diet but do look at what you eat. try to eat healthier and in smaller portion and drink lots of water. it's not your weight that keeps the guys away, it's probably your attitude and lack of confidence.
I think it shouldnt matter about someone size. If a girl carries themselves with respect and high self esteem, others are automatically attracted
How I wish women would stop worring so much about appearances! Women aren't just bodies but whole persons. And there is something else besides physical beauty: feminity and sexyness and that's something that have nothing to de with just beauty. As a matter of fact, there are many beautiful women that aren't femenine or sexy.
use with caution

The first thing is that you have to lower your standards some. If you're expecting to get some thin cute guy it's probably not going to happen and you're setting yourself up for a let down.
Have self confidence.

Go to expensive store that has free personal shoppers ( like Sak's) and ask them to dress you. (you don't have to buy anything you can copy the look at your normal store).
its not a matter of your size, its all in how you present yourself, be sure to wear clothing that ';Fits'; and even accentuates your best features, self esteem and confidence is a major roll in appearing attractive, be sure you have a good attitude and there will be a guy for you, dont make the mistake of using sex to get a bf, chances are it wont be a lasting relationship if you do.

Best of luck
dont worry about your weight, and wear casual, conservative clothing. Keep an open mind and have a sense of humor. if you send me a pic, I can give you better tips....

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First of all stop calling yourself fat... if not for you for everyone around (us) who can't handle it...hahaha...I know how frustrating it is, we can be the best people in the whole world and we let our insides shine, because honestly our outsides leave something to be desired.... Here is fat camp info:

Dress to your body not your size... there are all kinds of large women clothing stores... but not all women have the same body even under our extra pounds...Find your best qualities... enhance them, don't parade them.... we are fat right.... we have larger boobs than most but it doesn't mean we need to let the girls fly out and around... keep it classy and MAKE SURE IT FITS.... This is so important, if you have to sit a certain way or not sit at all you are not comfortable and that it real obvious... men and all the other women can tell.... be comfortable in your skin...and lastly, don't make jokes about yourself being overweight... that is the biggest turn off in the world... it may be funny but save the laugh, chalk it up to self respect... Lastly, take your time when shopping and even though the newest fashions are out doesn't mean you have to wear them.... we all remember the tummy revealing shirts.... and I seen women who should have never been allowed to purchase them, but sure as sh*it they bought and wore them.... last of all... work on you weight... not for physical appearance, do reading, get an understanding of what that excess weight is doing to you inside... that is what I did and 68 pounds later I am closer to my goal everyday.... love yourself enough to lose it for you...Good luck
lose weight, you gotta exercise to do that..get off the couch!
yes look for someone that does not care how you look for example i ndont judge people from the outside only from the inside
If you have a cute face..you should be able to find guys.

Carry yourself with confidence.

Don't wear clothes that show too many ROLLS

Find a hobby to help you start losing weight: salsa dancing, running, riding a bike, lots of sex

anything you like doing

talk to black and latino guys, they like big women and are more likely to have the tools to handle the job.
it shouldn't matter how you look, go out by u a new outfit.it's on how you carry your self that makes you bueatiful.. sexy..
Be outgoing and fun to be around. Avoid being shy or ';too friendly';, don't want to be known as a **** either. Don't make fat jokes about yourself. Dress nice and take care of yourself. And make sure you're not judging others for the way they look, as obviously you're judging yourself harshly. Good luck!
Ok i use to feel the same way and i still kinda do but just be ur self talk to people. just be who you are and some one will like you for that
There are many men out there who love a girl with a ';few extra pounds'; on her, so don't worry too much about your weight. Work on increasing your confidence level and self-esteem instead.

Also, it's been my experience that most women think of themselves as ';fat'; or overweight when they're really NOT.

In any case, you may want to check out dating sites devoted to ';bbw'; or ';plus-size'; women if you're interested in meeting a man who doesn't care how much you weigh.

As far as looking ';hotter'; goes.....well, that may attract the wrong type of attention sometimes, so be careful. Best advise is......JUST BE YOURSELF! :)
Yes, start exercising. It will make you feel better about yourself. You will have more confidence. You confidence will attract guys.
Show a little self confidence, dress accordingly and enjoy who you are.
loose weight? ha ha ha.............some bigger girls are very attractive........it has to do with the way you carry yourself.............no pun intened...............LMAO............it all has to do w/ attitude, and self confidence...........that's what makes one attractive.
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