Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My 3 week baby won't sleep on the crib only on the bed with me any advice on how to get him in the crib?

ANY ADVICE ON HOW TO GET HIM TO SLEEP ON THE CRIBMy 3 week baby won't sleep on the crib only on the bed with me any advice on how to get him in the crib?
If you both sleep better then try to co-sleep.

The crib is a modern invention, and a lot of cultures do not have cribs or cradles.

Babies are supposed to sleep with their mother.

Breasts can rise a few degrees in a matter of minutes if babe is cold.

Mothers are supposed to regulate their babies temperature and breathing.

The SIDS risk is lower with co sleeping because of you regulating their breathing.[people say that it is more, but there is a difference between SIDS and suffocation, which your baby is only at risk for if you use drugs or drink. I mean do you roll off the bed all the time? You are aware of your surroundings]


Enjoy your new baby.My 3 week baby won't sleep on the crib only on the bed with me any advice on how to get him in the crib?
Try keeping the crib near your bed and maybe even putting something that smells like you in it. They also have Teddy Bears I have seen at Walmart before that mimic your heartbeat which is soothing to a newborn. Think about it, that sounds soothed them for 9 months while in the womb, the shock of being outside the womb they are bound to have separation anxiety.

The best thing is to keep your baby in the crib, even if you have to let them cry it out at first because if you don't you risk SIDS, rolling on them or just never getting them out of your bed.
do you have a bassinet for him rather then the crib? the crib might feel a lil big. But I would let him whine for a few minutes, and then go in and not necessarily pick him up but just rub his back, talk softly to him, let him know he will be fine. I had the bassinet in my room until he was about 3 months old....then i switched him to his crib in his room and I would roll up a receiveing blanket and tuck it on his side, but not oo much so he doesnt roll onto his face. I put the bassinet in my room only so I didn't have to get up all the time, cuz lets face it, when we are trying to get as much sleep as possible getting up and walking across the house half asleep doesnt always work. It will take time but he will learn to trust that you are there no matter what. Does he sleep during the day in his crib?
It's going to be a slow transition. At first, I only made my son sleep the first part of the night in his crib and then brought him in with me. Or if I couldn't get him to sleep there first, I would let him start with me and move him to his crib later.

Like I said, this will be a slow process, some nights he may only sleep in his crib for an hour or not at all. Some nights night be 2 or 3 hours. Don;t get discouraged. Just keep trying to ut him in his crib. Listen to his cues. He is just telling you that he doesn't feel secure enough for that step yet and he needs his mommy and that's ok. You can't spoil a baby this young. Hang in there, you'll get it!
you might have a small problem for a night or 2 but that should be it. he isn't even old enough to realize what you are doing. you dont sleep with him on the bed next to him, for every nap right?? if you have to, let him FALL asleep next to you and move him. i am very against co-sleeping at night. i love to co-sleep at nap time, when it is only for a short time. it is too dangerous. i lost my 2 month old nephew last year, due to co-sleeping. (my sis in law's night gown suffocated him) anything could happen. i used to sleep with my babies up until they were 1 year old, not anymore. actually, it would be better when he is a couple of months older, when he can roll over and turn his head on his own, he will have more muscle strenth. i know you want to bond, but you can still bond without causing risk to the baby. try rocking him first or walking him to sleep, then outting him in the crib. everytime he wakes up , do it again and put him in the crib. don't give in. good luck, and i have been there before.
i had this problem with my daughter i am sooooooooo scared of having her sleep with her dad and I so once i realized she wouldnt sleep in her bassinett i went out and bought this thing its like a baby supporter it has this two pillow looking thing or cushions and the baby lays between it and i also swaddle once i found that thing she slept longer and longer in her basinett. she now sleeps in her crib but i dont use that thing anymore i do still swaddle she is 1 week shy of 6 months i think i should stoop swaddling my bf keeps hassling me about it. my daughter sleeps 9-10 hrs straight at night ::::sigh::::::
Sounds like my oldest child who not only would not sleep in his bassinet but had to have the lights on!

I don't know if this will work for you, but my son would sleep in the carrier. So...we started him on the carrier on our bed, then graduated him to carrier in the crib. Eventually we'd transfer him to the mattress. Never did get him to sleep in the bassinet, but he did sleep in his crib after a few weeks.

And I agree with a post above... the baby's only 3 weeks old do Not just let him cry it out. I was told that too and I ended up crying along with him, out of guilt. Just ween him/her into the crib. Don't rush, and enjoy your baby.

Good Luck!
start by setting the scene.

hang some dark curtains over the windows.

play some soothing music on a cd player.

put a comfortable chair beside the crib.

make yourself a nice relaxing drink, and put it beside the chair.

turn off any lights near baby's room - though you will need enough to see what you are doing. no direct light though. maybe a night light or a lamp, or a light on in another room will do.

make sure the whole house is quiet except for the music playing.

feel confident and calm. baby will pick up on your emotions.

swaddle baby in some light material.

lay baby in the crib.

sit beside the crib with your arm through the bars.

rest your hand on baby's body and give very slight rocking and patting with your hand.

talk in quiet whispers ';time to go to sleep now darling'; and ';shhh';

sit and pat and rock baby like this while drinking your nice drink, and listening to the music.

try to look away from baby while he/she is crying, as that can make it easier for you to handle.

eventually your darling will fall asleep.

leave the music on repeat and leave the room.

once you have this routine going, sleep will come quicker and quicker each time as baby learns that laying in that crib, in that room with the dark and the music means ';sleep';.
really, you should wait. at his age, he doesn't just WANT to sleep with you, he needs to. 3 week old babies don't have ';wants.'; plus, co-sleeping usually results in everyone getting more sleep. remember, he was tucked into your belly for 9 months. it's scary and lonely out here. and, trust me, there will come a time -- sooner than you think -- when you will wish he was still in bed with you. hang in there, mom. enjoy the cuddling while you can!
luckily my 7 week old started sleeping in his own crib around 5 weeks. he still wakes up around 4am and won't fall back asleep until he's in bed with me. i'm worried i'm starting a bad habit, but then i remind myself that he's only weeks old!! try hanging in there. he just likes you there for comfort. i don't mind it because i love sleeping next to him, my only worry is habit. if you're worried about hurting him or rolling over...sometimes i use a boppy to prop him up and he loves sleeping in that right next to me in bed. of course i dont do that all through the night though...only the last few hours towards morning. good luck!
Make a recording of your heartbeat or buy one of those bears that has a women's heartbeat beating and place beside your baby. Mostly it is that 'comfort' that your child is wanting, but added comfort may include warmth, so make sure he is.

I bought one of those bears for my boys and my first loved it and my second didn't, so it's not failsafe but from what I've heard it's better than most.
i COULDNT put my son in his crib until 7 wks old - he would get so scared then one day i put him in there and he's been on there ever since before that he would sleep in a ';secure sleeper'; in our bed, then we moved it into a pack n play next to our bed at at times he slept in his bouncer or car seat - whatever works so you can get some sleep too!!
Well i dont know if this will work but when i had my son i was told you can take a heatin pad and under tha blankets for a while and take it out then take a water bottle and put hot water in it and put that on tha side of tha baby under tha blankets and it will give him some kind of feelin u r there....

but i neaver did try it 8(
this is a tough one, have you tried feeding him then putting him down drowsy but not asleep...or you could try complete opposite and get him to sleep then put him down, either way try not to pick him back up until he is actually crying...if he is just fussing he may quit and fall asleep, my son does that, he fusses and grunts for 30 min then eventually falls asleep. good luck
I co-sleep with my 13 week old daughter and I think its great. I can nurse her instantly and we both get at least 8 hours of sleep that way. You dont HAVE to put her in the crib but if you are wanting too I would start by swaddling and using some sort of white noise
His crib probably feels to big for him right now especially at 3 weeks. Babies that age like to feel secure try swaddling him before you put him down. This may help some with the space issue, or try putting him in a bassinet.

But I have advice to make you happy about having him in your bed. -- http://www.awareparenting.com/sleep.htm
Try different alterations in the crib maybe he'll find a position in the crib that suites him
Our son slept in a bassinet swaddled next to our bed until he could sit up then we co slept until he was 9 months...he's been in his own crib for about 3 weeks thanks to the Ferber Method....best of luck
Get a bedside bassinet and place him in it after he falls asleep.


Wait 9 months or so when he starts sleeping through the night then transfer him into the crib - that's what we did!
he just likes the closeness of being next to you. wait till he's older or put a pillow beside him but make sure he wont suffocate.
you should let the baby sleep in your bed with you in it and when the baby is asleep you put him in his crib
Let him cry it out.

I wouldn't let him scream for hours! But try it at 5-10 minute intervals. Let him cry for 10 mins, then hold him, let him cry again, then go to him again. Just keep at it.

You gotta get him used to his crib asap, it'll only get harder and worse in time if he keeps sleeping in your bed.

good luck. and be patient, it won't happen over night, but it will happen in no time if you stick to it and keep putting him in the crib.

Yes, you take the kid and stick it in the crib. Then you go to bed and fall asleep.

At 3 weeks of age, this sleeping problem is not a problem with the kid or its behavior, it's a problem with you.

you need to go get some bloodwork done to make sure that you dont have post-partum depression. there's no shame in that, it's what naturally happens to your body as it adapts to not being pregnant anymore.
try not to give in. He is going to be upset when you put him in his own bed but that's only normal. If you keep getting him to sleep in your bed he will never get used to sleeping alone. Let him cry, even though its hard to do. If you put your foot down he will get used to his own bed.

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