Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What is the best baby advice you have gotten?

To give full term breastfeeding a try. My daughter is 18 months and we're still going strong - she's healthy as a horse.What is the best baby advice you have gotten?
sleep when your baby does.What is the best baby advice you have gotten?
All of the above. Also trust your instincs, nap now before the baby comes.

Most important---


If you dont, you will never get that time back, and before you know it, they are crawling and walking and cuddle time is done.
The day after the baby was born, my pediatrician came in and said ';You're not a bad mother if you send her to the nursery to sleep tonight.';

She had no idea how badly I needed to hear that! I was so tired the night I had my daughter, but I felt like I had to let her room-in or I'd be a failure.

I listened to the doc. The nurses brought her to me to eat and then took her back. I'll definitely take advantage of that both nights with my next!
not to compare your baby to others, they all mature at different rates, such as walking, crawling, talking, potty training.
Breastfeeding past a year IS okay.

%26lt;On breastfeeding%26gt;:Suck it up, and stick with it.

And I agree on sleep when baby sleeps.

Get as many cuddles as possible.
Its ok if they cry.

Trust your own feelings ALWAYS

I learned a big one Use the crib right away when using a bassinet the child wants that and when you move them to a crib they CRY FOR EVER!

MY rule Dishes are dirty laundry needs to be done. It can always wait for a child. Laundry can spend days in the dryer easy to get and clean if it never gets folded what do you have to show for why...... What I did with my son

its easy to throw lanudry in the washer and dry its harder to fold it when you sun wants attention. So dig for your cloths.

*what I tell my hubby dont like FOLD 'EM then
I agree with mean people suck, sleep when your baby does, i ignored that and thought it was silly, until my baby actually arrived and i realised i was tired all the time!
sleep when baby does - the best advice ever - should have taken it!

and to make your lunch at the same time as breakfast. that way if you are getting a bad day you dont have to worry about it. its a real time saver x
Don't sweat the small stuff...and...trust your gut. Both invaluable.
Don't listen to every ones advice. Have a ';go-to'; person to get advice from. (Like the dr)

When I had my daughter, everyone chimed in to tell me what i need to be doing different. (Dressing to warm, not dressing her enough, warming the bottle too much, not warming the bottle enough) I went insane! I finally talk to my pediatrician and she said that you need to choose one person to go to, and tell everyone else to keep comments to themselves. A lot has changed in baby care, things change almost every year, so that is why I chose to only go to my pediatrician.

Good Luck
It is a toss up between

1--wear your baby


2--breastfeed for as long ans your baby wants to

My two year old is the happiest, most out going little boy I know. I am not changing a THING with my youngest!

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